Os niveis de compreensão interpessoal de Selman no contexto do jogo simbolico




This study integrates the other studies that are done in the Laboratory of Genetic Psychology at State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. It is included in a perspective that focus the Social Knowledge and fundamented in Jean Piaget s Theory and in Selman s Cognitive Development Theory. As so, it intends to discuss the importance and the use of the symbolic game as an instrument of observation and an instrument that helps analyze the different levels of comprehension among the kids that comes from their symbolism during the symbolic games they play. The comprehension of the pretending games played by children during these symbolic games can surely take us in a level to understand how is the human development. The relations that are established in between person and environment give us the origin of many new and unique situations. Forty-eight children, both boys and girls, took part of the search. Their ages were in between 5 and 6 years old and they all go to elementary schools (Emei and Cemei). The results were subdivided in three groups of elements, which took part two girls and a boy or two boys and a girl with same ages and form the same classes at school. The methodology that was used in this search was a study of case, fundamented in Jean Piaget s studies about the symbolic games and its evolution from the "motorsensorial" period up to "pre-operative" period. All the situations established among the kids during the symbolic games were analyzed, according to the Cognitive Development Theory, from Selman and the levels of self-comprehension or Social PerspectiveTaking. When the shoots were taken, they were also transcript for further analyses. There were 8 sections in each institution, turning the total into 16 sections. From these transcripts about the ludic behavior, a first analyze about all the conversations in between the children and their monologues were taken. The subject from each played game situation was analyzed and classified. All according to the propose model by Selman about the self-comprehension levels; negotiation strategies; shared experiences and the classification of the symbolic game throughout Jean Piaget s Theory, considering all the characteristics from Phase 11: symbolical ordered combination, exact imitation of real behavior and collective symbolism. There were also transcripted the themes as well as the played games scenery and all of the strategies of negotiation taken by the children. As an instrument of help the searcher used an observation form and a written journal. Among the groups observed, It was verified that there were differences in the relation Age X Levels. Between the 5 years-old children a Level O of self-behavior were more often. Level 1 behavior was considerable in between the 5 years-old children as well as the 6 years-old children. Level 2 behavior took place in both 5 and 6 years-old children, but in a lower level. It s impossible to affirm that the answers given by the children from Emei and Cemei were different, because the self-comprehension Level is usually more focused in the child s experience, than in their age


relações interpessoais nas crianças educação infantil jogos infantis simbolicos

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