Os museus da região Rota do Sol de Santa Catarina: suas origens e consolidação enquanto atrativo turístico




Every man makes part of a history, told every day by the way of living and relating with their kind. This history, besides living in the memories of the elders, it is contained in constructions and objects, shapers of Cultural Heritage. In conformity with the Touristic activity, this heritage, beyond portraying habits and customs of a community, it configures itself as an attractive to the visitors that are going to known such inheritances by the cultural tourism. Between the components of interest to cultural tourism, It was empathized in this dissertation the museums, places destined to the conservation and exposition of material and immaterial testimonials of mankind and its environment, to the delight of the public that visits them , both inhabitants and tourists. Therefore, this research has the goal of diagnose the working conditions of museums registered by the Fundação Catarinense de Cultura (FCC), located in the main cities in the region of Santa Catarinas Rota do Sol, identifying the possibilities of consolidation as touristic attraction, starting with consideration of aspects linked to their origins, infra-structure e administration. In the fulfillment of the objectives proposed, it was utilized methodological tools for the fact-gathering, being these: documentary analysis, structured systematic observation and structured interview. From the researches were made analysis in the composition of diagnostic of the researched museums, basis for the later comparison between them, that limited resemblances and disparities that determines attractivity. For this purpose, it was used the Método de Alavancagem Múltipla, idealized by Pires (2000 e 2002), to the treatment of information referent to observations, as well as the conception of a value scale for the interviews, compounding the matrix employed in the final verifications. The documentary analysis served as a base for the definition of the historical process of formation of the researched museums. In the end of the study, it was established that the element that decides the tourist attractivity of the museums, differentiating them, is the utilization of their resources in the promotion of activities to the visitors, be these tourists or local inhabitants


touristic attraction atratividade turística rota do sol cultural heritage museus - santa catarina patrimônio cultural turismo cultural museums cultural tourism museus rota do sol turismo

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