Os limites dos direitos humanos acríticos em face do racismo estrutural brasileiro: o programa de penas e medidas alternativas do Estado de São Paulo / The limits of uncritical human rights in face of Brazilian structural racism: the program of alternative penalties and measures of São Paulos State


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper had as point of departure the historical roots of Human Rights, with the analysis of aspects still ignored at present days. Despite the understanding of the modern conception and function of Human Rights, when one observes the effects of the implementation of certain public policies in a society racially structured, as the Brazilian society, it is possible to note that the results of these public policies do not intervene in the historical racial segregation that was developed and still experimented in the country. The question to be answered is how Human Rights, having its roots based on the elites and conceived to protect certain groups, can really be effective as an instrument to serve the oppressed groups. The analysis of this correlation of forces on Human Rights will be made over the observation of the Brazilian reality and through the critical analysis of the available literature on the subject. We will seek to standardize the concepts about race, racism, prejudice, discrimination and other mechanisms that explain the dynamics of the racial relations in Brazil and in the World. The root of the Human Rights idea is presented, as it was initially conceived and as it is now. Within the concept of Human Dignity we present how racism in its various forms denies this right, becoming then, a menace to the Democratic State of Rights, which has as founding element the human dignity. A historical research is made, about the formation of social control in Brazil, and the theoretical origins of the ideas that structured our criminal system and its racist bases and how these elements of origin reflect on the unequal access to the criminal justice system, nowadays. The selectivity is treated as a constitutive element and less regarded in the modern social control system. The paper is finished with an analysis of the data concerning the penitentiary policy of the State of São Paulo and the reflexes that a racially structured society can have on the Brazilian system of social control, precisely on the program of alternative penalties.


critical theory. alternative penalties direitos humanos discriminação racial human rights institutional racism penas preconceito racial racismo structural racism

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