Os limites de uma sociedade dita inclusiva para pessoas com deficiência. / The limits of a inclusive society for people with disabilities.




This paper reviews the process of inclusion of disabled people in society, focusing on education and the market "said" inclusive. The process of research made on the basis of research literature and documentation; through works that deal with issues such as inclusion and exclusion, and the definitions and concepts, historical trajectory, finally, of how people with disabilities are included in society, said inclusive, considering the economic and social aspects of the problem, its dimensions and relationships. The text also discusses the dynamics of capitalist society and its relationship with the disabled, the issue of rights and its grounds, and talk on topics such as: labour, exploitation, rights, citizenship, inclusion and exclusion, trying show the limits of fight of the disabled in a society inclusive said. We realize that, in general, the centre of discussions is the reform of society and undoubtedly the main focus is the issue of equality through the inclusion. On that principle, we propose to analyse the sense of inclusion in society and the way it is treated by the segment in question. Moreover, show that the relationship inclusion / exclusion is more complex than the discussion that the segment disabled people raises. From there the discussion should not be restricted to PcD segment, but must achieve a society in general, since the process of inclusion of PcD with their relationship, whether through the struggle of the segment or the government initiatives that relate the theme - laws, decrees, campaigns, treaties, concerns all people and not only to those who have a disability.


person with disabilities mercado inclusivo sociedade inclusiva educação inclusiva pessoa com deficiência labour inclusive society direitos sociais market inclusive trabalho social rights servico social inclusive education

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