Os jornais, a democracia e a ditadura do mercado: a corbetura das eleições presidenciais de 2002




The paper intends to show, by surveying the period immediately before Brazils presidential elections in 2002, how O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S. Paulo, two major newspapers printed in the countrys major financial center, performed as mediators of the pressure applied by the financial markets upon voters and contenders, particularly upon the Workers Party candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. A feedback circuit between news and markets inserted the newspapers in the process of financial capital accumulation. São Paulos newspapers undertook the function of organic intelectuals in the electoral process and acted in a very organic way, assumedly as ideological private apparatuses, like political parties


eleições mídia media elections financial markets presidentes -- brasil -- eleicoes -- 2002 -- cobertura jornalistica journalism mercado financeiro ciencias sociais aplicadas jornalismo

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