Os fundamentos políticos do direito internacional: o exame da operação dos meios de solução pacífica de controvérsias internacionais no sistema internacional da guerra fria




This study purports to examine the way by which the international system that prevailed during the Cold War influenced the operation of the means of peaceful settlement of international disputes. To this end, it initially analyses the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes and the means that traditionally are used by States to settle their disputes peacefully. Afterwards, it examines how the international system of the Cold War emerged, its bipolar configuration and the main characteristics of the ideological and political opposition between the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America that guided the action of those superpowers during that period. Finally, the study focuses on the interrelation between international politics and international law as reflected, in particular, in the operation of the means of peaceful settlement of disputes during the Cold War, in a synthesis of the two previous moments. In this third part, some of the most relevant conflicts during the period are examined, as the War of Korea, the Crisis of Suez Channel, the Crisis of the Missiles in Cuba, the Vietnam War and the Arab-Israeli conflicts. The general conclusion that is drawn in this study is that the structure of the international political system has determined the way by which the peaceful means of settlement of international disputes have operated and its results, reflecting, to a large extent, the foreign policy of the superpowers


international law international politics direito internacional international controversies controvérsias internacionais política internacional cold war guerra fria direito

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