Os efeitos da dança circular e de técnicas expressivas corporais no stress e na qualidade de vida




This study s goal was to watch the effects created by Circle Dance and some Expressive Body Techniques in the Quality of Life and in the Stress ora group. A group of 19 people of both genders, aged between 18 and 65, all of them with a high school degree, who agreed to participate in eight Circle Dance and Expressive Body Techniques experimental sessions, answered the WHOQOL-100 scale, proposed by the World Health Organization(WHO) to evaluate the Quality of Life. They also answered to the Visual Analogue Scale in the beginning and in the end of each session which meant to evaluate the subjective stress, meaning, it was evaluated by the patient that was being evaluated. All of the patients participated in a semi-structured individual interview, dane before each of the eight experimental sessions, in arder for us to watch the expectations and changesofthe group s opinions about the effects produced by the experiment The results indicate that the Circle Dance and some Expressive Boby Techniques may contribute positively for the increase of the Quality of Life. It suggests better results in the physical domain: pain and discomfort; energy and fatigue; sleep and rest. In the psychological domain: positive feelings; thoughts; acknowledgement; memory and concentration; self-esteem; body image and looks; negative feeling. In the independence level domain: mobility; everyday activities; medication or treatment dependence; work capacity. In the social relations domain: personal protection; social support; sexual activity. In the environment domain: physical security and protection; home environment; financial resources; health and social care; opportunities to learn new information and skills; participation and opportunities in recreation and leisure; physical environment (pollutiom, noise, traffic-jams, weather); transport. And in the spiritual/ religion/ personal beliefs aspects domain: spirituality; religion; personal beliefs. We noticed that there was a significant statistical decrease in the subjective stress level. Through the semi-structured interview we noticed that there were many reasons that made the patients participate in the experiment: curiosity to meet; search for a better life quality; some type of body and mind increase; get new experiences among themselves and meet new people. As to the expectatives, the patients didn t estipulate exact goals but, they desired to feel better,or have good moments in the group and individually. After the experiment, the participants said they felt well or better than they were before. Generally, the group associate the well-fare feeling reli after the activity, and if they are grateful for the invitation.The majority spontaneously manifested the interest that the work continued


terapia pela danca dance and terapy qualidade de vida psychosomatic holismo holism técnicas expressivas corporais circle dance dança circular quality of life stress movimento estresse expressive body techniques analytic psychology psicologia psicologia analítica psicologia clinica dança e terapia psicossomática movement

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