Os dispositivos que garantem o ensino religioso em Santa Catarina




I put a question, from the foucaultiana logistics, the school subject and the disciplinary way of testimony education at the Santa Catarina state schools, the propagation of a diversity of controlling mechanisms used in each period in History of the Christian Era to reorganize and re-structure the functional mechanisms of society as a logical Christian moral, the subordination and the subservience as basic conditions for the disciplinable logistics to work. The religious legate is supported by legislative and discursive backgrounds in contrast with power/knowledge relation, where testimony education has its foundation in a classical basis and it is founded in a law-basis to take control of every persons behavior, and this can be observed by the introduction of it as one of the annual subject-matter in our state school courses. This way, the testimony as a school subject keeps having an ongoing characteristic instead of a breakthrough as people try to show


santa catarina escolas públicas ensino religioso educacao

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