Os discursos do ensino religioso escolar: uma análise a partir dos dizeres dos al / The discurses of school religious teaching: an analysis from students speeches


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation is part of Post-Graduation Program in Education/Master in Education of the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), more precisely in the line of research, "Language and Education." Affiliated with the theoretical and methodological contribution of French Discourse Analysis, and still seeking contributions from authors who discuss the "discourse" (FOUCAULT, 2002), and "identity" (SILVA, 2005; BAUMAN, 1998; 2001), this research seeks to understand the discourses of school Religious Teaching (RT) that permeate the spaces of public school. Methodologically, discourse-records were collected from three public schools of Santa Catarina, and the subject, students enrolled in the 8th grade of elementary school (the school tradition then in force) as well as students of 1st year of high school. The discursive corpus of research consisted of drawings and words - speeches, which were produced in the school body. Based on an analysis of discourse, supported by a specific set literature, I understand that the students speeches are marked not only by content curricularmente proposed, but also by history, by circulating statements, for saying that revitalize established speeches before. From the analysis it is felt the movement of three distinct discourses of school Religious Teaching: Catechetical Discourse Christian, interdenominational Christian discourse, and discourse of religious diversity. In speech analysis, reflected that religious instruction in schools is not just questions of knowledge, but also identity


ensino religioso escolar discurso aluno, identidade educacao ensino religioso school religious teaching discourse student identity

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