Os desafios da integração currícular no ensino profissional do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina : o caso do Projeto Integrador / The challenges of curriculum integration in the professional education of the Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina : the case of Project Integrator


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The latest changes in Education´s Laws for vocational training got aimed at meeting the demands of labor required by modern production system. Under this assumption, in the early 2000s the IF-SC, Instituto Federal de Ciência, Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia of Santa Catarina begun technical course showed that in consonance with issues. Some courses begin in their curricular matrices a pedagogical practice known as Project Integrator. In the IF-SC Jaraguá do Sul the pedagogical practice of the Projeto Integrador, only came to the curriculum of technical courses in the year 2007. This curricular unit indicates a learning methodology guided on the perspective of integrality of curriculum, on the interdisciplinary, and about the philosophy of education by competency. This work was accomplished aiming at understanding the process of emergence of this new course, and for it used the methodology of Oral History. The main objective of these studies was therefore to investigate about what were the circumstances and reasons which led to industrial technical school Jaraguá do Sul make this choice. The study concluded that the restructuring of the curriculum for the competency model was reflected a global trend for education (end of the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s) and that the curriculum reform movements of this period happened as a result of political and economic reforms, and happened with great internal resistance in schools. It was also concluded that the Project Integrator aims to greater, promote curricular integration of several knowledge of professional education of the IFSC, shaped in the logic of competency model.


história oral abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento integração curricular currículo por competências oral history interdisciplinary integrated curriculum competency curriculum

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