Os Cursos de Matemática da Universidade Católica de Goiás e da Universidade Federal de Goiás: História e Memória




The aim of this research was to understand and analyze the process of the setting up and consolidation of the Mathematics courses at the Catholic University of Goiás (UCG) and the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), by following the historical path of each through written documentation and the memories of their founders. The study touches on their high points, crises and contribution to society in the formation of teachers and Bachelors. It traces the history of the courses from their foundation, with particular emphasis on moments such as the beginning of the 60s. It analyzes the repercussions of the 1964 military coup and the 1968 university reforms on the two courses. It looks at the formation of the university and Third Level teaching of Mathematics at different times and points to the significance of the foundation of the Catholic University of Goiás (1959) and the Federal University of Goiás (1960). It is a qualitative research which uses the resources of oral history. Semi-structured interviews with lecturers, former lecturers and idealizers of the courses in question, written documents such as minutes, yearbooks, bulletins, legal documents and secretarial records were used. Even though the courses were set up within a Faculty of Science and Letters with the aim of forming teachers to respond to the need for qualified personnel in the teaching of Mathematics in the State of Goiás, from the study, it could be concluded that, with the passage of time, both courses presented distinctive characteristics: the UCG course became part of the Department of Mathematics and Physics while maintaining its ideal of forming teachers, while the UFG course of the then Institute for Mathematics and Physics aims at forming Bachelors, even though nowadays it tends more towards the Licentiate.


universidade católica de goiás universidade federal de goiás cursos de matemática educacao história federal university of goiás catholic university of goiás education history educação mathematics courses

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