Organizational structure for E-business in traditional companies: a case study. / Estrutura organizacional para a realização de negócios eletrônicos em empresas tradicionais: um estudo de caso.




Were studied in this dissertation the alternatives in organizational structure which could be adopted in electronic business (e-business) in traditional companies, mainly focusing this structure’s centralization or decentralization analysis. In the brief existing bibliography specifically about organizational structure for e-business, it is clear that exists a range of options in terms of structure choices, from creating an independent “dot com” company, to the decentralization of the e-business through the business units. In the case studied in this dissertation, firstly were identified the e-business initiatives practiced in the company and were discussed the adoption process of these tools. After that, the evolution of the structure created for e-business was analyzed, from the beginning to the application moment of this research. It was possible to identify that the initially delineated attributions for e-business are not rigid and are not uniformly realized by all of the business units. As the studied company was discussing the decentralization of the eCommerce Department, the timing for the centralization or decentralization analysis was very appropriate. The company identified three alternatives of structure, as well as the criterions for an in depth analysis. The centralized eCommerce structure alternative was the most recommended, considering the limitations of the methodology, properly presented and discussed in the text. More than the final recommendation of the analysis made, which interests only for the studied company, the applied methodology is one of the mainly contributions of this dissertation. With the needed modifications, this methodology can be useful in other real situations, helping the managers in this complex decision about which degree of decentralization to adopt in e-business.


estrutura organizacional comércio eletrônico e-business internet decentralization internet descentralização administrativa organizational structure organizational form e-commerce e-commerce e-business

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