Organização do trabalho do professor : jornada, contrato e conflitos trabalho-família




The aim of this thesis is to analyze the work organization of elementary and high school teachers in public schools in the State of São Paulo, focusing on their working hours, the diversity of existing labor contracts and the conflict between family and work. For this purpose, data was gathered from RAIS (Annual Report of Social Information), issued by the Labor Ministry, containing information regarding working hours, labor contracts, wages, education and gender mix. A sample of 95 teachers answered a questionnaire, 17 of whom were also interviewed. Many teachers were hired on a temporary basis. With regard to the total number of hours devoted to work, there was a wide variation in the sample of teachers surveyed, some working few hours a week and many who worked over 44 hours weekly. As a result, the teachers stated that they experienced work-family conflicts, especially those arising at work and impacting on the family. The most common conflicts caused by work arise when teachers have to correct tests, teach at night, and attend weekend courses. Conflicts originating from the family are mainly due to illness, the teachers or that of the family. In order to reconcile these two spheres, teachers resort mainly to absenteeism.


professores psicologia organizacional engenharia de producao jornada de trabalho ensino público família e trabalho contrato de trabalho

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