Organização de equações estatísticas para transferência de massa em processos turbulentos / Organization of statistical equations for mass transfer processes in turbulent


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In fluid mechanics, specifically in turbulent processes, the closure problem represents one of the biggest challenges for anyone interested in this area. For decades, scientists have been using statistical approaches aiming to close the problem or, at least, decrease the inherent difficulties. So, the present project presents a judicious analyze based on statistical tools in which random square waves, allied with a fixed numbers of parameters, were used to create parametric equations to represent a turbulent flow with an a priori approach, differentiating from other approaches broadly applied in the area, which use an a posteriori approach. Then simulations were done, in order to evaluate the behavior of the model. In the simulations, the behavior of some data from the literature could be followed and the scope of the method was stipulated. Besides this, an important discussion about boundary conditions was developed.


a priori approach abordagem a priori boundary conditions closure problem condições de contorno escoamento turbulento problema de fechamento turbulent flow

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