Optimization of solar energy water heating systems in single-family residences using the TRNSYS program. / Otimização de sistema de aquecimento solar de água em edificações residenciais unifamiliares utilizando o programa TRNSYS.




Solar water heating systems have been widely used in Brazil for domestic purposes in single-family residences, taking advantage of the potential energy of the water of the superior reservoir and the phenomenon of the termosyphon for the circulation of the hot water. However these solar water heating systems are usually design through tables supplied by the manufacturers that indicate the number of flat plates collectors in function of the size of the family and of the number of points of use of hot water. That design is much more based on the intuition and on the manufacturers’ experience than in scientific data. Therefore this work has developed an optimization model for projects of solar water heating systems, using a routine of a long-period numeric simulation in flow transient. The optimized design supplies the inclination and the area of the flat plate collector that results in the minimum cost over the equipment’s lifetime. This cost includes expenses with the installation, maintenance and use of auxiliary energy. The computational procedure was executed with specific characteristics of the project, such as: local climatic conditions, profile of the hot water’s demand, orientation of the flat plate collector and the temperature wanted for the storage of the hot water. It was studied a solar water heating system by termosyphon with flat plate collector for the climate of São Paulo. This model search to facilitate the design of the solar water heating systems for the designers, of each project’s real conditions.


technical and economic analysis solar energy otimização matemática análise técnico-econômico aquecimento de água optimization energia solar water heating

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