Opposition and discussion on the interpretation of Brazil in essay anthologies : discourse, memory and reading / Embate e debate de sentidos sobre o Brasil em antologias de ensaios : discurso, memoria e leitura




Dealing with problems on language and identity in discourse studies and reflections produced from the Research Group "Antologias, discurso e práticas letradas", this current research analyzes discourse-constructed representations on Brazil in the following four anthologies / essay collections: João Cezar Rocha s Nenhum Brasil existe [No Brazil exists]; Silviano Santiago s Intérpretes do Brasil [Interpreters of Brazil]; Francisco Foot Hardman s Morte e progresso: cultura brasileira como apagamento de rastros [Death and cprogress: Brazilian culture as the erasure of clues] and Ettore Finazzi - Agrò and Roberto Vecchi s Formas e mediações do trágico moderno: uma leitura de Brasil [Forms and mediation of modern tragedy: an interpretation of Brazil]. Since an anthology is a literary genre that organizes knowledge on Brazil, the distinction between memory (archive) and interdiscourse are highlighted. Above-mentioned anthologies were analyzed with regard to their formulation (intradiscourse order) concerned with section of essays that constitute the tests selection, paratextual elements (titles, prefaces, notes, flaps, prologues, author s autobiographical data) and metatextual (critical essays and essays as reading guides) factors. From the enunciation and discursive point of view, these factors put in the limelight the need for understanding the enunciation places developed within the anthology, or rather, the position of the organizing interlocutor-editor, the position of the invited essayist and the position of the specialized commentator. These factors bring forth the reading projected in the discourse: student reader, scholar reader, specialized reader. In terms of authorship, the anthology is marked by the unity-dispersion tension constructed within the anthological project either in terms of several subject positions or in terms of conflicts between different discursive formations. Through an analysis of production conditions of discourse, anthology formulation, constitution of meanings and their circulation, the analyses developed on the conflicts with regard to zero degree Brazilian identity, characterized by gaps, marked by lacks that fulfill themselves in the foreign Other, the problematization of the commemoration of the 500 years of the discovery of Brazil as a memory site or happening that produced the different. Further, investigation are undertaken on the tension between the State s coherent narrative and the dispersion of meanings that come back when memory is provoked, the reflections and movements of resistance of the intellectual elite that displace meaning of order and progress towards death and progress, or rather, that Brazil may and should be interpreted in a tragic manner


essays anthologies análise do discurso antologias de ensaios discourse analysis brazilian essays ensaios brasileiros

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