OperÃrios em ConstruÃÃo:As experiÃncias sindicais dos trabalhadores da construÃÃo civil de Fortaleza entre as dÃcadas de 1970 e 1990 / OperÃrios em ConstruÃÃo:As experiÃncias sindicais dos trabalhadores da construÃÃo civil de Fortaleza entre as dÃcadas de 1970 e 1990




This composition analyzes the syndical experiences of the workers of the civil construction of Fortaleza in the period between the 70âs and the 90âs. Analyzing the peculiarities of the world of the work in the civil construction, particularly the daily laborer in the seedbeds of workmanships, the study wants to detach the development of the syndical opposition in 1988 with a proposal of reorganization of the syndical relations that were developed by the direction of the union since 1976, and this way reflect on the establishment of a convergence of interests in relation to the laborers of the category. Thus, we analyze how the first experiences in this category from the politician-syndical conceptions of the new direction had been constructed: the I congress of the workers of the civil construction, the first general strikes, the elaboration of the new statute and its politician-legal lines of direction, the project of popular education, the construction of the laboring journal, the leisure activities and the development of nets of solidarity at the moments when the conflict with the entrepreneurs of the sector became hard are some of these experiences that, when being constructed by the laborers, finished for constructing themselves agents protagonists in their world of work.


trabalhadores da construÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) - 1970-1990 historia do brasil histÃria dos trabalhores da construÃÃo civil fortaleza-ce 1970-1990 experiÃncias sindicais experiÃncias sindicais fortaleza-ce 1970-1990 sindicatos - trabalhadores da construÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) - 1970-1990 histÃria dos trabalhores da construÃÃo civil relaÃÃes trabalhistas - fortaleza(ce) - 1970-1990

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