On the future and death of the Brazilian theater: a trip through cultural and literary magazines of the modernist period (1922-1942) / Do futuro e da morte do teatro brasileiro: uma viagem pelas revistas literárias e culturais do período modernista (1922-1942)




The main purpose of this dissertation is to present the data found and collected from some cultural and literary magazines during the period of 1922-1942, in order to understand the main concerns and contributions of writers and intellectuals in the modernization process of the Brazilian theater. The first volume brings a historical and critical interpretative study that not only points out the main characteristics of the theatrical productions of that period, but also its modernization initiatives and its competition with the cinema and the radio-theater. The second volume of this dissertation presents the classificatory index of the collected data, elaborated along with the research to provide a feasible tool for locating this material


cinema radio-theater brazilian theater revistas literárias e culturais teatro brasileiro cinema modernismo rádio-teatro literary and cultural magazines modernism

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