On line training of school managers: interdisciplinary behavior in the logbook narratives / Formação online de gestores escolares: atitude interdisciplinar nas narrativas dos diários de bordo




This work presents an inquiry about the interdisciplinary behavior construction within the intersubjective relation between the head manager and the manager in training, through the narratives in the logbooks, in the on line training of school managers of the School of managers Pilot Project. The project aims at considering this interdisciplinary construction process that encompasses the dimensions of knowing, doing and being, through the dialogic report between the knowledge coming from the researcher s experience on school management and the knowledge about school management founded on the complex thinking view. It is a research-action-training, in which the inquiry incorporates to the training practice e articulates both not exclusive poles: theory and practice. Culturally, the school manager has difficulty articulating the democratic process, because they feel isolated in the management activity due to the linear view that fragments the reality in order to make it comprehensible and dominated. Under such conditions, the power relations remain hierarchized and the bureaucratic aspects prevail over a more sistemic view, in which the school dynamics is understood as a living and self-organized system, a culture in continuous construction, nourished by the interpersonal and group work relations. However, it is important to have a sight of the school s organization complexity in order to deal with the paradoxes noticed in a daily basis, which is predictable and at the same time unstable and uncertain. The complexity includes the dialogic game of the linearity and the systemic. The manager s training not always offers the conditions for this knowledge construction, since it needs to be contextualized and identified as a historical process. This is the focus of the interdisciplinary attitude in terms of on line managers training, when it seeks capturing each manager s singular view face to the course proposals and the school reality. The interpretative analysis of the narratives content of three managers logbooks revealed the educator-manager s helpful and guiding action in each situation, as well as the perception of each manager in training when faced with the challenge of mobilize their teams for group action. The interdisciplinary attitude is a valuable element in on line training environments, since it can follow each training trip, understood as an endless spiral


formação online pensamento complexo interdisciplinarity distance learning educacao educação a distância escolas -- organizacao e administracao -- recursos de redes de computadores on line training complex thinking gestão escolar ensino a distancia interdisciplinaridade em educacao school management

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