Oficinas do jogo : uma abordagem pedagógica transdisciplinar nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental




This dissertation is based on my teaching experience. The theme of the study is Game Workshops: a transdisciplinary educational approach in initial years of Fundamental Education. It was motivated by the researchers concerns regarding reading and writing difficulties, high level of learning failure, relationship conflicts, aggressive behavior and the lack of a ludic approach in the learning process. The school used as a case study was named Escola do Morro. The action-research method was used; it is a qualitative research, conducted with students of Escola do Morro which is part of the Florianópolis, SC municipal school network. Fifteen children were selected, being 9 girls and six boys, from grade two. The data gathering process included participatory observation, field diary, semistructured interviews, photos, field notes, as well as oral and written reports by the children. The purpose of the research aimed to investigate the pedagogic potential of a transdisciplinary approach, using Game Workshops, with physical activities, in which the children are mobilized in their social, physical, intellectual, moral, affective and aesthetic resources. During the research we perceive that the children participated with much enthusiasm in the activities of the Game Workshops, coexisting in conflituosas relations and surpassing the differences between them, and evolving not only in the intellectual aspect, but also assisting in the social relations between the children. The essence of this approach is its liberating outcome, in which the children are empowered with scientific knowledge, without the typical rigidity of our schools. Future research is necessary to deepen the perspective of the Game Workshops of the pedagogic potential in a boarding to transdisciplinary.


education of children oficinas do jogo criança children jogos educativos educação de crianças educacao fisica educational games brincar to play game workshops jogos infantis

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