Ocupação ambiental e características populacionais de curicacas Theristicus caudatus em linhas de transmissão de alta tensão / Ocupação ambiental e características populacionais de curicacas Theristicus caudatus em linhas de transmissão de alta tensão




The Buff-necked Ibis (Theristicus caudatus) is a bird typical of South Americas open landscapes. In Brazil, it occurs throughout the country and is usually associated with dry habitats. From August 2005 to December 2007, Buff-necked Ibises were monitored along electrical transmission lines and towers in the Federal District and in the States of Goiás and Minas Gerais. The Buff-necked Ibises uses the transmission tower structures for nesting and roosting and are frequently responsible for interruptions in the power supply, resulting in a negative financial impact on electrical companies. There are few studies addressing this type of problem in Brazil. Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the forms of interaction that occur between the ibises and the towers. For this, the environmental profile and the reproductive and behavioural aspects of this species were investigated along the transmission lines. A total of 535 towers were evaluated, of which 20.7% were being used by Buff-necked Ibises. Of the towers investigated 74% were located in modified areas including cultivated fields and pastures, and 26% occurred in wild, natural landscapes. However, there was no significant difference in the frequency of occurrence of Buff-necked Ibises between towers in natural and modified landscapes. I found forty-nine nests, of which 46.9% were active, 30.6% were inactive and 22.4% were not evaluated, which yielded a total of 42 eggs, with an average clutch size of 2.21 0.63 eggs. This study showed that Buff-necked Ibises have a preference for towers with an SB design, located in modified landscapes. Results of this study allowed me to present suggestions to attenuate problems caused by T. caudatus on electricity transmission lines. The study also provides important information about the biology of this species for Central Brazil.


torres curicaca nidificação linhas de transmissão towers nesting ninhos, perturbação antrópica theristicus caudatus zoologia transmission lines anthropic impacts theristicus caudatus

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