Obtenção e caracterização de ligas Ti-Al-Nb para uso em implantes ortopedicos




Metallic materiaIs for total hip prosthesis manufacturing are chosen based on their mechanical strength, fatigue and cOITosion resistance as well as biocompatibility. Titanium alloys present superior strength-to-weight ratio, higher corrosion resistance and higher biocompatibility when compared to stainless steel and Co-Cr alloys. The Ti-6AI-4V aIloy (weight %), firstly developed for aerospace industry, is the most used titanium alloy for medical applications, in spite of vanadium being considered as a toxic element to the human body. By this reason, new alloys were developed in order to replace vanadium as j3-phase stabilizer. Among these new aIloys, exceIlent alternatives were found in the Ti-AI-Nb system, developed in Europe at middle 80 s, due to the high chemical stability and biocompatibility of niobium. The purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of the aluminium and niobium contents on the microstructure and meehanieal properties of some alloys in the Ti-AI-Nb system, with eompositions near Ti-6AI-7Nb. These studies eovered the alloy preparation in are furnaee, the determination of phase transformation temperatures by thermal analysis, the verifieation to the presenee of interstitial elements and the formation of intermetaIlics, the determination of relative phase ratio, tension test and fatigue test. The results allowed one to make eonsiderations about aluminium and niobium eontents that showed appropriate meehanical properties to fit orthopaedic prosthesis requirements


matalurgia fisica metalografia materiais biomedicos implantes ortopedicos ligas de de titanio - propriedades mecanicas

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