Objetos tecnopoéticos : transmutações de imagens do repulsivo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The artistic proposal ¿Technopoetic Objects: Transmutations of Images of the Repulsive¿ discusses poetic experimentation using digital painting, video art, computer and control interfaces. In this thesis, Technopoetics use principles such as numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability and transcoding. Technology is explored as a tool for the creation of technopoetic objects. Regarding the processing of images, these operations occur as part of post-production techniques and also through the use of scripts. Through the use of these procedures, images are painted frame by frame resulting in their conversion into ¿animated painting¿. The iconography of the insect has been reappropriated from my earlier artistic work. All animations were built from digitized pictures of insects, as well as videos and photographs of human viscera taken from anatomopathological examinations. Chroma-key techniques were used in both animations and videos, as well as intentionally produced errors in the video signal through recursive and programmable methods, such as digital makeup and digital effects which grant the picture an illusion of materiality. The result of mixing iconography and digital effects used to produce animations and videos intends to instigate a repulsive reaction on the viewer. The abject analysis of the creative process affirms that it originates from passion and primordial repulsion for the image. Its aesthetic manifestation in contemporary art originates from an affirmation of the representational and sensory-aesthetic aspects of art as a denial of art seen merely as philosophical abstraction. In this artistic research the idea of repulsive is used both in the choice of images and in the poetic operations. Technorepulsive is an artistic operation which endeavours to avoid readymade solutions offered by commercial softwares. The technopoetic object appears as a result of combinations: firstly, by the modular characteristics inherent to the languages used in their programming and by the product of the new media which focus on the object concept; secondly, because it reintroduces the concept of experiment and laboratory practice reclaimed by avantgarde art and which saw in the object a differential mark between the workshop and the factory. And finally, the ¿mode of existence of technical objects¿ which aims at emphasizing the singularities of technological devices, appropriating this idea in an artistic context. In a brief discussion of aesthetics and philosophy of technology, I seek to reconnect art and technique. The new media, especially their graphic interfaces for viewing, are historical products of visual experiments. Nevertheless, by appropriating image construction the techniques, visual computing does not emphasize the continuity of artistic experimentation in relation to the evolution of technology. Neuro-aesthetics (the biological basis of aesthetic experience) seems to be the intersecting point in this case. As such, through research on the ¿visual knowledge¿ neuro-aesthetics rediscovers artistic experimentation as a crucial element for the development of science and technology - art is an expression of cerebral machine.


arte : tecnologia technopoetic object technorepulsive vídeoarte pintura digital sensorial neuroestética visual knowledge neuro-aesthetics objeto tecnopoético conhecimento visual

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