Object of desisre: the methaphorica and metonymic manifestation in language impairment / Objeto do desejo: a manifestação metafórica e metonímica no retardo de linguagem




This study aimed at analyzing parentsdiscourse in relation to their children with language impairment by emphasizing the indicative marks of these childrens constitution as their parentsobject of desire. lnterviews were conducted with two couples and one mother, which were tape-recorded and later transcribed. The theoretical framework based on Lacanian Psychoanalysis and French Discourse Analysis were used in the study of metaphors and metonymies in the parentsdiscourse. The results showed that, when speaking of their children, parents produce a metaphor of themselves that is manifested as a symptom in the child, and a metonymy of their desire, which, when expressed, constitutes the "fault" in and af the child that is referred to, in the speech therapy clinic, as language impairment.


discurso dos pais parents discourse language impairment análise de discurso francesa retardo de linguagem french discourse analysis

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