O voluntariado em comunidade como alternativa de desenvolvimento local: o caso vila piloto




The present research aims to keep the purposes of the mastership in Local Development inserted in the community of Vila Piloto in the municipality of Três Lagoas MS, having in mind the priorities and needs that the own local community wishes in order to have better quality of life. A community based work must happen in this community, aiming to reach facilitativealternatives of local development. The formation of volunteer groups can be a way to solve the social problems, which are so evident in the community of Vila Piloto. owadays this reality has been noticed through anifestations, which, many times, alter the social living of that place. A serious work advised by solidary and responsible agents who are engaged goal the building of a better future with social justice, is the way which will allow the community of Vila Piloto to find solutions for their difficulties, enjoying the benefits that the local development will offer through the solidary cooperation networks.


local development community comunidade desenvolvimento local volunteer work voluntariado planejamento urbano e regional

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