O valor da rinomanometria computadorizada pre-operatoria, nas hiperplasias obstrutivas das vegetações adenoides, na infancia




Study the value of Computerized Rhinomanometry in children with adenoids for surgical indication of adenoidectomy. MATERIAL AND METHOD Rhinomanometric meditions realized by Computerized Rhinomanometer Rhinotest (Medi comes - RF A), with bilateral active anterior rhinomanometer, and lateral nasopharyngeal radiograph to mesure the degree of obstruction (by COHEN &KONAK, 1985 method), with 30 children.( 3 to 11 years), with no tonsil hiperplasia, without allergy and no septal deformity. Using the Total Nasal Resistance (TNR), by age, relating with the adenoid hyperplasia by statistics analysis. RESULTS Total Nasal Resistance vary - 0,25 to- 1,13 Palcm3/Sec-l (N - 0,62 Pa). Results was agruped by age (year a year). Elevated levels in 10 cases (33,3%) and reduced in 20 (66,6%) . At radiographs findings was 6 cases (20%) with moderate obstruction and 24 (80%) with elevated. X2 statistic analysis was no significative by the relation...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations.


aparelho respiratorio laringe hipertrofia nariz

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