O uso dos resultados do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes nos cursos de física da Universidade de Brasília e da Universidade Católica de Brasília (2005)




This present dissertation deals with one of the central themes of Brazilian higher education: the institutional evaluation. The study took as a reference institution, in 2004, the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education - SINAES, going deep the research in one of its instruments of assessment, the National Review of Performance of Students - ENADE. With the purpose to investigate the use of the results of ENADE the courses of Physics, University of Brasilia and Catholic University of Brasilia, was carried out research with qualitative approach, focusing on the following specific objectives: the analysis of possible occured changes in management courses Physics of the universities surveyed, because the results obtained in ENADE; the examination of the contribution of Enade improve the quality of the courses, and the identification of the tension that the concepts of evaluation ENADE bring to the routine of the institutions. For the construction of the data, it was used document analysis and halfstructured interviews, which had been treated in the perspective of content analysis, applying the proposal triangulation of the sources. The carried through analysis revealed that the results of ENADE have greater interference in the routine in the private institution, directly influencing the teaching-educational organization, the teaching composition and the conformation of the physical structure. The same does not occur with the public institution that is subjects, in lesser degree, to the influence of the evaluation system as a whole, not receiving direct interference from the ENADE. Although the recognition of the effectiveness of the institutional evaluation as a tool for improving education and the credibility of the SINAI, the participation of the academic community in the evaluation procedures is still very small, making in difficult the creation of the evaluation culture and consolidation of the training process. It is also perceived, that the ENADE, in fact, provides a major contribution for the improvement of the educational quality, even so brings a tension for the scope of the private institutions, in the measure it supplies information that favor the classification of the institutions according to a process of ranking.


avaliação institucional educacao sinai enade, university of brasilia, catholic university of brasilia universidade católica de brasília enade universidade de brasília institutional evaluation sinaes

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