O uso de organizadores prévios elaborados com trechos de textos históricos originais como recurso de ensino




This study aimed to express the operational criteria used to prepare the advance organizers cited by David P. Ausubel. For this purpose, it was reviewed the evolution of the device itself, the organizer as such, the terms used by Ausubel and the transpositions made by his collaborators, to be able to; (a) identify the learners alternative conceptions concerning the topic to be learned; (b) to elaborate and test the organizers built from the original scientific texts. The advance organizer presented to the students was developed from excerpts taken from the following original texts: On the dynamics of moving bodies (Einstein) and Evolution of Physics (Einstein and Infeld). In order to verify the students previous knowledge, it was developed a three stages strategy: (1) a proposal to write a descriptive composition; (2) an expository class; and (3) an application of a set of discursive questions. In relation to the organizer in particular, it was perceived that being a relatively factual material, the anchoring process despite being evident, was not satisfactory. Even though it was found a slightly facilitative effect concerning the assimilation of concepts, it was understood that this work cannot be done merely in one specific moment of the learning process in which the student participates. The concepts have to be identified, mapped, verified periodically and at the end of each of the secondary school year, to be able to confirm the relations of acquisition or assimilation, obliteration, modification, availability, retention, cognitive development and promptitude.


aprendizagem significativa organizador prévio história da ciência trechos de textos originais educacao meaningful learning advance organizer history of science excerpts from original text

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