O uso de mapas conceituais no ato de leitura literária - uma análise das representações mentais de alunos do ensino superior




This paper has as objective investigating the possible contributions of the conceptual maps as meaningful learning facilitators to the students. As methodological procedure a selection of short narratives from the writers Machado de Assis, Clarice Lispector, Otto Lara Rezende was done, as well as poems from Carlos Drummond de Andrade to the academics, from the 3 year of the Language Arts Course from the Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Região do Pantanal UNIDERP, would read and analyze them making use of their semiotical syntheses. Later than, there was an inter-relation of the semiotical syntheses with the novelties the texts presented so the students would recognize the nucleus of interests by using conceptual maps and would focus the attention in the reading act to the mounting of the literary reading logic. The literary texts were separated into their fundamental parts with the intention of knowing them in the components that organized them, so the text metaphors would tend to the reading logic, although they were in connotative language. The pure denotation was not found, but the readers got close to it, allowing the content to be expressed and would reveal the building reading logic. The studies of the narratives and poems were organized with the assistance of conceptual maps and discussed from the concepts already known by the academics, and the unknown concepts were targets of research in onomastic dictionaries so the use of the literary concepts were deepened. The results presented between the pre-test and the pos-test were very meaningful and the qualitative analyses of the process showed that there was an advance in the semiotical syntheses, while the reading activities were developed. What was noticed in a general way was the change in the academics posture regarding the evaluations, class and extra-class activities when they started being agents of their own learning and more conscious about their function in the process of teaching and learning.


semiotical syntheses mapa conceitual. sínteses semióticas aprendizagem significativa meaningful learning. educacao conceptual maps

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