O universo simbólico na viagem de Mãe, materno mar : nos trilhos do imaginário bantu


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims, by means of the literature, to recognize elements of the African culture, particularly in Angola, whose signs of the Bantu matrix are present in the formation of the Brazilian culture. The chosen corpus, Mãe, Materno Mar, by Boaventura Cardoso, unrolls the threads of the narrative, where modernity and tradition dialogue, having especially in the Bantu imaginary this interlocutory process with the memory of the people, allowing the persistence of tradition and affirmation of an identity suppressed by the colonialist oppression for such a long time. The peculiarities of the Bantu culture in its religious aspects, and the symbolic universe that pervades the narrative provide the basis for the understanding of connections among the unconscious and the imaginary and the memory of the Angolan people. As this is a work in which history is transformed into an allegorical journey into the microcosm of the Angolan society, a committed literature is found, but admittedly art, whose commitment to its writing in process permits retelling the story of its people, perhaps reviving the hopes that were eventually dispersed along the way.


literatura angolana (português) - história e crítica cultura bantu imaginário bantu narrativa identidade angolan literature (portuguese) history and criticism bantu culture imaginary bantu narratives identity

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