O turismo pelas lentes do idoso asilado: um estudo no Asilo Padre Cacique/Porto Alegre-RS




The fast world population aging process, specially the brazilian, leads to a necessity of attention and studies that contribute to a better comprehension and encourage initiatives that promote a social integration and wellness of the elderly. The tourism, as an alternative of leisure, has shown interest, even still small, in direct their studies to the elderly assistance presenting, usually, as a focus of market segmentation. When focusing the look in the subjects of the tourism, we notice a lack of studies that attempt to these touristic possibilities for old age pensioners, and, usually forgotten by the society. Facing that, this investigation, of qualitative cut, used the told life story of 14 elderly from the old age home Asilo Padre Cacique, in Porto Alegre, to verify if the insertion of leisure and tourism activities in this home can contribute for a better life quality and wellness of their residents, besides of identifying the meaning of tourism for this elderly. The study is presented by a narrative that mentions the story of Miss Odete, a character inspired in the residents life style stories and created as a background to show the discussions about the aging process, the home structure, questions connected to leisure and tourism showing results that evidence the necessity of actions that focus in the human element as the beginning of leisure and tourism practices.


elderly turismo leisure lazer idoso asilado aged idosos old age pensioners velhice aging process

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