O turismo como alternativa de desenvolvimento local no município de presidente epitácio: representações sociais e culturais de identidade local




The men in community and also in their territory build their own history along with feelings that, participate in the common existence. It is appropriate that cach member of this group to transforme as the collective expression about the way of thinking acting, wareing and establishing social intergroup. Because of its geographical position as a harbor cty located on the banks of the old Paraná River, which compases to the Bacia do Prata (Watershed of the Prata), the first inhabitants of Presidente Epitácio had the influence of different cultures brought by those that here stayed or passed by here. For this reason the diversity of social, cultural present is translated by countless events that are carreid out by the local community year after year. The purpose af the present analyris of these manifestations isnt only as a form of preserving its legacy and strengthening of the territorial identity, but the search of alternatives na possibility of innovations that can criate local bencfactors throught its insertion in the social practice of tourism. Also they carry out country works throught interviews, known elements colletct joint of public institutions, consultation of impressing acts, photographic documentation, as the research of the impacted originaly of the process of environmental transformation imposed by the formation of Hidroeletric Power Station Sérgio Mota and its implications on territory development, producing regionally a favorable circunstance for development of fishing na nautical leirure. In front of the results were considered the following points: financial investiment destined to constructions by plublic organizations compensating acts and touristic infra-structure, the accurrence of the significative inrease of river bed disposable in municipality in the necessity of the formulation of news strategy of supported development, seen by the regional perspective from the improviments that can be attributed by the precess of local developement.


social representation local development planejamento urbano e regional cultura identity turismo representações sociais desenvolvimento local tourism culture identidade

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