O trabalho no mundo do capital financeiro e seus efeitos sobre a saÃde mental do trabalhador : a relaÃÃo processo de trabalho e saÃde psÃquica do trabalhador bancÃrio a partir do estudo do caso BBVA Banco em Recife/PE, Nordeste do Brasil




This is study is aimed to analyze the relation between work and health at the bank sector. It is a case study, in which BBVA bank, an international financial institution, having agencies all over Brazil, including the ones in Recife/Pernambuco, is the object of this observation. We tried to comprehend the relation between work and health at the current context of capital internationalization and technological progress, as well as the understanding of the organization and management of the bank work process in the face of the economical, social and political contexts in the 1990s and their effects over the workerâs mental health, as well as detect and understand the effects generated by successive selling of the banks that its workers experienced. In this sense, it was aroused a hypothesis that the introduction of new technologies provokes changes into the organization and the management of the bank work process with repercussions over the workerâs mental health. For this purpose, directed but not directive interviews were applied to workers who experienced the successive managerial transitions since the first selling that the bank had in 1995. We also tried to get information about the company from itself and also information about unemployment and occupational health in bodies such as The Brazilian Department of Labor, Bank Workers Union, among others. After the bibliography revision, the data collecting and further treatment and analysis, we got to the hypothesis confirmation referred above. The research results showed that:, a) the merges and bank incorporations to international institutions in the 1990s represented the outcome of a mundialization process of the Brazilian financial capital, that had started in the 30s; b) the introduction of new technologies affects the work process organization and the labor force management, changing the genesis of the activities, social division and intensifies the draw of the most values one; c) the sophisticated automation of international banks limits workerâs comprehension, freedom and creativity about the work process; d) the organization of the automatized work process generates the psychic suffering; e) workers presented behaviors of isolation, indifference, apathy, nonâengagement and discouragement, as well as defensive strategies such as idealization, rationalization, denial and repression; f) the unemployment fear is the most felt one and , therefore, a social control instrument applied to workers ; g) the pleasure experienced by workers is relative, momentary, fragmented and partial. Thus, finally, it is proposed a reflection about work as a constitutive process of the Being and it must provide to him not only the satisfaction of his needs when producing values of usage, but also happiness, pleasure to the fullest, and, above all, Health


servico social sofrimento psÃquico capital financeiro trabalhador e saÃde mental trabalho bancÃrio assistÃncia social internacionalizaÃÃo do capital globalizaÃÃo

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