O trabalho interacional para reconfiguração de atividades pedagógicas instrucionais na sala de aula de inglês como língua adicional


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research, grounded on Ethnometodological Conversation Analysis, examines the pedagogical activity reconfiguration within talk-in-interaction in a classroom of English as an additional language. The data consists of approximately thirteen hours and thirty minutes of audiovisual recordings in an intermediate level English class in a language center. The detailed examination of the three instances of pedagogical activity reconfiguration found shows that the phenomenon involves: 1) a disaffiliative or disaligned action which triggers the pedagogical activity reconfiguration; 2) a new alignment among participants, displayed by their actions and by multimodal details (gaze directions and body movements); 3) changes in talk-in-interaction organization and participation framework, with no turn allocation nor pedagogical activity orchestration by a participant; 4) the affiliation with positions taken by other interactants who performed the action which started the pedagogical activity reconfiguration and the constitution of alliances displayed by gaze directions and gestures; and 5) a complex and intense interactional work accomplished by participants, who mobilize different linguistic and interactional resources. The pedagogical activity reconfigurations has distinct features in one of the data analyzed since: 1) it is triggered by a disaligned action, not a disaffiliative one; 2) it breaches the talk-in-interaction organization of the pedagogical activity; 3) interactants oppose to the proposal made by the participant who is responsible for the accomplishment of the institutional mandate and bring forward a counterproposal to what was being done so far, which seems to be related with the disaligned action which triggers the reconfiguration. The present research provides a contribution to studies on learning and participation in classroom talk-in-interaction by bringing new elements to better understand how participants deal with moments that emerge from the accomplishment of the pedagogical activity and with potential learning objects.


língua inglesa sociolingüística língua adicional lingüística aplicada objetos de aprendizagem análise da conversa etnometodológica ensino e aprendizagem

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