O trabalho dos engenheiros em situações de projeto de produto: uma análise de processo baseada na ergonomia. / The engineering work undertaken in product design: a process analysis based on ergonomics.




This thesis presents a method to assist work analysts to carry out examinations of engineering processes. Specifically processes related to engineering work undertaken in a design for industrial complex products. Following a literature review detailing features of design processes for complex products, some classical engineering approaches are analysed, these are utilized to clarify and improve this kind of process. The aim is to verify their main ranges and limitations. Based on these results, a literature review concerning some ergonomic approaches is presented, with the aim of exploring the most appropriate ones to compose an original method, suitable for clarifying the “operational reality” of engineers’ work. The goal is to clarify some of the main factors that affect the design process performance: the work group information flow and integration. Following the development of the conceptual method and the method structure, two studies are presented, which have been applied in companies that develop complex products. The aim is to verify the methods performance in an industrial setting; one study takes place in a large Brazilian company and the other in an UK based medium sized company. The research results show that, despite the fact that the method presents some restrictions of methodological origin, whose limits partially relate to the data collection, the method is suitable to contribute to the clarification of a design process. The level of process visibility promoted with the method application, is enough for the process to be analysed and its deficiencies and respective causes to be identified. Therefore process improvement and optimisation are possible and subsequently the improvement of the whole product development performance.


product development ergonomy product design ergonomics analysis of work projeto de produto desenvolvimento de produto process reengineering análise ergonômica do trabalho reengenharia de processo ergonomia

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