O texto não verbal na sala de aula: concepções, didatizações e possibilidades




The research had as objetive main analyse the use of verbal text as a teaching tool in the classroom and specifically recognize the concept of text and reading teachers of the Portuguese to refer to the text non-verbal, non-linear texts and on the presence image used in classes teaching of reading, and reflect on possibilities of using these teaching texts. We provide the theoretical discussion on the vision of language as social practice, because we believe that this view lends itself to analysis of mediations and discourses produced in class reading and dealing with texts. To compose our theoretical framework we use for authors dealing with the concept of reading and its consequent teaching example SILVA, 1995, 1996 and 1998; KLEIMAN, 1999, 2002 and 2004, among others. Authors who are concerned with the theory of text genres and concepts of text, language and subject (KOCH, 1997, 2004, 2005; Bakhtin, 1997; DOLZ &Schneuwly, 2004. Authors who deal with the image in the genres, as well as multimodality the case of Dionisio, 2005a, 2005b; VIEIRA, 2007. And finally those who deal with the teaching and the role of teacher, their knowledge and the pedagogical implications of making teaching (Tardif, 2002; CUNHA, 1999; Gimeno Sacristán, 1988; DEMO , 2001). In the study, we adopted the methodology selected traditional techniques of data collection in qualitative research were a questionnaire, observation and interview, and the use of a focus group session. For the analysis of the object investigated in We base on the analysis carried out by thematic categorization and evidence, relying on the inductive-constructive approach. In this sense the results of the survey revealed that there are insufficient planned activities undertaken by teachers that enable an effective job of teaching reading with texts nonverbal (TNVs). While acknowledging the importance of using them before the fact that we emerged in a very visual culture. Images, colors and shapes, create and reproduce ideologies and a critical reading of this material is by design to be read and how to shape it in teaching. The analysis showed evidence of difficulty in the didactic NSVT and multimodal genres in order to empower them to work on reading axis, although two of the teachers interviewed were recent graduates, does not show, however, the domain of discussion when it concerns multimodal genres and as educated as these genres can be didactized by the teacher in order to promote reading activities. we consider the need for continued investment in training to take as object of study the TNV and genres multimodal, with the intention to empower them to work in several areas especially in reading


reading texto não verbal teaching multimodality multimodalidade non verbal text educacao leitura didática

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