"O tempo é quente e o dragão é voraz" : esperanças e desilusões com o plano cruzado (1986)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The current study seeks to understand the main anti-inflationary economic stabilization program known as "Cruzado Plan" and the general reasons for its failure to achieve its central objective: the control of the inflation.In this process, we intend to also see the main concrete results of the Plan in terms of macroeconomic impact, the main measures taken by the government to the "consumer boom" and the difficulties in controlling the demand curve.To better understand the problem here, we also do a brief study of the theoretical debate that was currently on the structural and economic causes of inflation in Brazil, since they had different diagnoses that led to different strategies of action to combat the inflationary spiral of the time.Finally, our intention is not to exhaust the subject, given their diversity and complexity but rather answering the question raised above since we believe it is fundamental for a better understanding of the phenomenon we are investigating.


estabilização econômica inflação (finanças) economia economia inflation economic policy cruzado plan

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