O templo cristão na modernidade 1920 | 1970


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study deals with the Christian temple in the modern period from 1920 to 1970 in order to rescue, to recognize and position this production, worthy of study in the context of twentieth century architecture. Panorama on the subject, has designed the compilation and systematization in chapels, parish churches and cathedrals, linking Christianity and modern times to identify and assess the liturgical and symbolic reflections, on the one hand, and functional, constructive and stylistic, the other, by a cross-relation of man and sacred art in the period. Critical historiography on the subject, besides gathering and lay judgments about the works by collecting general findings and peculiarities as a contribution to the state of modern art, unveils encouraging authors and movements in outstanding architectural and results for the Christian church, affirming their importance and promoting their due recognition. In theory, demonstrates the relevance of the Christian church architecture as a program in modernity, demonstrating its continuity, in quantity and quality, showing that the iconic representation of the sacred, what happens over time in the temple, not faded or lost at this time history, Christianity has continued through other landmark buildings, the relentless work of spiritual support and comfort that is dedicated to more than two millennia.


christianity templos gaudi i cornet, antoni, 1852-1926 modernity wright, frank lloyd, 1867-1959 arquitetura religiosa le corbusier, 1887-1965 temple arquitetura moderna : história : século xx jeanneret, charles-Édouard, 1887-1965 modernidade aalto, alvar, 1898-1976 cristianismo arquitetura contemporânea niemeyer, oscar

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