O teatro-educação no CRIA: saberes e ações de jovens artistas para o exercício da cidadania.




With the present work entitled ? The CRIAS theater-education: knowledge and actions of young artists to the citizenship exercise? I aim to analyze the curriculum of the Reference Center for Teenager (CRIA), from their theoric and practical mafuces and from the transformations occurred in the participant teenagers lifes. The qualitative research was the approach used for this study, developed from a case study. This study brings reflexions about a social-education proposal developed interding to reveal knowledges within a formation for the citizenship exercise. The refered non-governmental organization bases its work in the ? Education through art?, more specifically, theater ?education. Important results were obtained, like the utilization of a critic and multirreferencial curriculum that makee possible the formation of active teenagers toward society. The didatic play by Bertolt Brecht is one of the important referentials that guide the practice at CRIA, as much as an emmancipatory pedagogy based on the ideas of Paulo Freire. The theater-education of CRIA brings the possibility of a motivating contextualized, critical and multiplying work of social actions for the teenagers of popular classes at Salvador, developing a esthetical citizenship. We conclide, then, that CRIA, has a curriculum proposal that makes possible a formation through theater transformation the student?s lifes and bringing as a consequence a social mobilization in their concrete lifes.


educacao theater-education citizenship and curriculum teenagers teatro-educação cidadania e currículo adolescentes

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