O suor e o sangue fecundando o chão: a memória dos mártires a partir da prelazia de São Félix do Araguaia




This study aimed to observe the processes production and preservation of the memory ar the martyrs the Christian Church in Brazil and latin America in the second half the 20th century based on the initiatives the São Félix do Araguaia prelacy in Mato Grosso state. It was researched the prelacy"s archives documents and heard people from the community. Here the martyrdom is understood beyand the traditional concept the death in defence the christian faith. This concept has been enlarged by some theologians who understand it as a result the commitment to the detence ofjustice and of the human rights. A martyr is the one who gives bis lite - if necessary at the cost bis own lite - to detend these causes. This conceptual change keeps up with the modifications of the post Vatican Concil II and in latin America the Medellín and Puebla Episcopal Conterences events which mark the Church s posture in rclation to the reality. when it chooses preterencely the poor populations. It cventually leads to the assassination of many ar its members. cither religious or laymen. The thousands of people killed in the situation repression are also martyrs even without being directly involved in the light for the rights. We intend to verity how this speech abolir the martyr s memory is built. as well as its impact and efticiency on the communities - wether it cheer them up for the fights or crystallize them - and how it updates itself. One hypothesis is that this memory is built by the community in arder to reinforce its identity and union cheering it in moments of crisis. Another is that the communitary recognition these martyrs reassert the latin American Church heir the Primitive Christian Church and also, its latin American cultural and historical identity. And. that there is a relation between a memory project of latin American dimensions and the process of construction the memory in the communitieslocal dimensions where exchanges appropriations and remeaning exist. We found the current affairs of the theme in the theological debates and in the experiences of the communities. and also the necessity of the Church keeping ative the memory of the martyrs as a form to call the attention to the causes defended. We observed a circulating relation between the memories produced locally and continentally, which feed and complete each other


igreja crista teologia martires cristaos memoria martirial ciencias da religiao

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