O Sujeito e o Desejo na Linguagem Persuasiva do Texto Publicitário de Mídia Impressa: uma abordagem psicanalítica.




This research has as objective to investigate the subject and the desire from the view of Jacques Lacans psychoanalytic theories, specifically about the alienation and separation processes, and also the following questions that involve them: the signifier, the enjoyment, the mirror stage and the a object; in the relationship with the persuasive language of the advertising text, so this is a text directed to interlocutor designated here as interlocutor/consumer and its objective is to change its behavior to the consumer act; in addition, it takes also into consideration the argumentative nature of this text and its relevance because it is considered one of the most creative and persuasive texts showed by media nowadays. Thus, the study about the advertising text focuses on the view of Jorge S. Martins and João Anzanello Carrascoza and the persuasive language from the perspective of Adilson Citelli and Nelly de Carvalho. The purpose of the debate comes from the fact that it offers the impossible as something possible, getting, many times, a target, without, at least, know it. This target finds resonance is Lacans theories about the subject and the desire; the subject constituted by a fault which will be never fulfilled and a desire which will be never completely satisfied, that is, an elided subject who is always searching a total satisfaction of this desire, called as the Other Enjoyment, which the subject assumes in the Other (the mother) and which he aspire, but he will never try it. In this sense, the advertising text finds a fertile field to act, using, to this, many different language resources, to build its arguments and the knowing persuasive language or seduction language, promising, with this, the satisfaction of all needs and desires in the promotion of products, services or ideas. Therefore, it is possible to say that, the advertising text, with its persuasive language, it seems to be reaching the subject, accomplishing something of its desire, even if it is only through a partial satisfaction when it can make it change idea and go for the act of consumption.


psicanálise linguagem persuasiva subject psychoanalysis desire desejo persuasive language linguistica sujeito texto publicitário advertising text

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