O sítio-labirinto de Monteiro Lobato: hipermídia e construção de conhecimento




This thesis intends to identify and to evidence the aspects of the hypermediatic language present in the childrens work of Monteiro Lobato, O Sítio do Picapau Amarelo. Analyzed under this perspective, it acquires diverse meanings and conquest a new narrative dimension that makes possible the construction of reticular, modular and nonlinear texts, connected to the images, movements and sounds. Through a hypermediatic study, we can find evidences that confirm this hypothesis, analyzing initially, the characteristics and ideological motivations of the author, after that your relation with the reading public and, finally, the work in question and the characters created from it. For this, had been realized analysis and bibliographical revisions of the work of Monteiro Lobato and had been carried through beyond an analysis of the available research and biographies until the present moment. As result, they had been discovered characteristics that proves the modernity of the work, as well as the unquestionable cognitive and cultural sense belonging to Lobato.


hipermídia monteiro lobato monteiro lobato knowledge educacao conhecimento hypermedia

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