O sistema de gestão integrada como instrumento de ensino: um estudo de aderência no curso de administração da Universidade Regional de Blumenau




The environment for technological evolution has been changing lately and causing a constant search for updating from the companies. The need to follow theses advances is justified by the global competition, with more innovating companies competing for the best positions in the market. In this context are also the higher learning institutions, which compete according to these same rules of market. Their clients, the students, are looking for modern and updated teaching, capable of preparing them for this market in permanent technological evolution. This concern made Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), through the Center of Social and Applied Science (CCSA), to search for mechanisms which serve well the expectations of the clients. In order to do so, it tried, through partnership with companies developing new technologies, the use of integrated enterprise management software, aiming at bringing into the classroom the new technologies available in the market. This research focuses in one of these partnerships, called project Sapientis. This is a partnership for institutional cooperation between CCSA and the company producing the integrated management software called SAPIENS. The general purpose of this research is to study the conceptual adhesion between the system SAPIENS and the contents of the subjects in the administration course at FURB. The research is divided into three parts. In the first one, under the concepts of ERP systems the applications, functionality and characteristics of the SAPIENS system were measured. In the second part, through documental research the subjects in the administration course which approach ERP concepts were selected. In the same process, the professors evaluated the degree of conceptual adhesion between these disciplines and the ERP concepts. In the third part, the results obtained are confronted. This way it was possible to get a comparative of the degree of adhesion between the system SAPIENS and the disciplines in the course of administration at FURB. Questionnaires using closed questions were used both in the first and second parts, which allow the assessment through the Likert gauge raging between 0 and 5 points. The results showed that the system Sapiens presents a lower level of conceptual adherence in the modules of retail commerce, buying, and fixed active, related to ERP concepts. In conclusion, the system Sapiens can be used as a teaching resource for the disciplines in the Business Administration course at FURB in a general way. Currently the system Sapiens is ready to be used in the disciplines which have the highest level of adherence, that is, taxes accounting applied to administration, materials administration, production administration II, and sales administration.


mrp ii sistemas de gestão integrada erp administracao universidades e faculdades; administração mrp mrp ii teaching instruments instrumentos de ensino erp integrated management systems mrp

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