O século XVI que o XIX criou: heterodoxias e multimidia no ensino de história do Brasil.




The present paper defends the hypothesis that some of the most popular textbooks on Brazil-ian History used nowadays are greatly influenced by a narrative model created by the histo-riographic thinking of the nineteenth century. Throughout the paper, this model is called eight-hundredth narrative structure. Based on a comparative study between the book História Geral do Brasil antes da sua separação e independência de Portugal, written by the Brazilian historian Francisco Adolfo Varnhagen, published in the years 1854 and 1858, and textbooks recommended by the Brazilian Educational department in the year of 2006, the first part of this paper tries to demonstrate how that narrative model from the nineteenth century continues hegemonic and relatively untouched on the contemporary textbooks. On the second part, based on theoretical discussions, practical proposals and multimedia interventions, this paper tries to demonstrated how, although the eight-hundredth narrative structure is the only model adopted, it is just one of the possibilities of narrating the Brazilian past.


história do brasil historiografia educacao historiography ensino de história brazilian history history teaching novas tecnologias new technologies

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