O samba-enredo em Florianópolis: perspectivas históricas e a produção de sambas-enredo entre membros da Protegidos da Princesa




Several decades ago the musical genre samba-enredo became popular and was spread through most of the Brazilian territory. The purpose of this dissertation is to reveal the way by which the samba-enredo is transposed to the reality of the world of the samba in Florianópolis, identifying particular procedures involved in its production and analyzing the historical and social context inherent to the local environment. The ethnographic approach employed in this research consisted in the insertion of the researcher in the group of composers of the Escola de Samba Protegidos da Princesa, and completed by a historical and documental approach. The theoretical references emerge from the anthropologic field, through the works of Leopoldi (1978) and Cavalcanti (1994; 1999), associated to the historical-cultural approach by Tramonte (1996), focused on the context of the world of the samba in Florianópolis. The historical process of the local escolas de samba can be defined by the social growth, gradually tending to a increased complexity of those institutions, both administrative and musical, here represented by the composer of the samba-enredo and the whole group of composers. The process of production of the samba-enredo causes deep changes in the musical work, as a result of a succession of stages defined by two factors: changes in benefit of the whole and changes in benefit of the performance, produced by agents which are both external and internal to the musical nucleus of the association. In this sense, the present compositional standard for sambas-enredo, which I designate by optimized samba-enredo, frequently dialogues with the ideal of efficacy and best performance of the musical work, here perceived as playing an essential part in the success of the association, constructed from intra- and extramusical aspects


escolas de samba carnaval samba-enredo música popular florianópolis (sc) samba-enredo florianópolis musica carnaval samba carnaval florianópolis

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