O samba de roda na Ilha de Itaparica : um estudo de caso sobre encaixes materiais entre dança e outros textos da cultura. / The samba de roda in the Island of Itaparica : a case study on material relations between dance and other texts of the culture.




Considering the cultural importance of the samba de roda from Bahia, this dissertation analyzes its configuration and its dynamics, with focus in the material relations that connects samba to others practices of the daily life of sambadores. For this, it carries through a case study on the occurrence of the samba de roda in the Island of Itaparica (BA). The study shows structural links between samba de roda and capture of whales and the cults to the hybrid entities of candomblé, as caboclos, marinheiros and boiadeiros. These links are evident in the corporal performances of the sambadores, from qualities of movement to the generation of new codes for the dance. The analysis suggests the intercommunication between the ways of occurrence of samba de roda in the Island, that include familiar parties, religious cults, semi-professional presentations and serestas. In contrast to previous studies that defend an African origin of samba de roda, this study strengthens the importance of other cultural contributions, as the iberian-Moorish and the indigenous, at last, the importance of the relations of the samba with other texts of the culture. They reaffirm, still, the paper of the unformal relations for the continuity of the samba. The aspects observed can contribute for the agreement of the hybrid cultures, as well as, more specifically, for the understanding of the hybridism in dance. Attached DVD containing edition of images registered in research field.


diversidade cultural island of itaparica dance samba de roda popular dance artes dança afro ilha de itaparica métissage fenômeno mestiço

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