O Sagrado Direito da Liberdade: escravidão, liberdade e abolicionismo em Ouro Preto e Mariana (1871 a 1888)




The present work has as object the study of the movement anti-slavery in the cities of Ouro Preto and Mariana, Minas Gerais. Through newspapers, time reports and lawsuits tried to notice as the fight was uncoiled then by the end of the slavery in those two important cities of the province of Minas Gerais, in the period among the promulgation of the call Lei do Ventre Livre (1871) and the abolition (1888). The first reactions to the process of gradual emancipation, unchained in 1871; the promotion of enfranchisements; the debates locked through the press; the creation of societies and abolitionist newspapers; the public manifestations against the slavery regime; the participation of the clergy; the radicalization of part of the abolitionist movement; besides the own slaves action that got to appeal to the Justice in search of the freedom; they are some of the elements observed in this dissertation


minas gerais abolitionism slavery freedom abolicionismo escravidão minas gerais liberdade historia

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