O regime ditatorial militar no Amapa : terror, resistencia e subordinação - 1964/1974




The goal of this project is to demonstrate the historical specificalities of the dictatorial military in Amapá, during the period of 1964 to 1974. Whithin the national patterns regime, in Amapá the dictatorial regime presented visible peculiarities which can be identified at least in four dimensions: 1 - A radical obedience from the political elite of Amapá to the center of national defined power, coming to an extreme and caricatural servilism, identified by the absolute lack of influence in the political backstages of the regime. 2 - For the reason of not undervaluing the standard instruments of terror on the actual state during the period, in Amapá the dictatorial regime took advantage of the fantastic imaginary dominant to create new shapes of admonitions adequaded to this culture. 3 - Even if the fear of tortures, chasings and prisons were something surrounding the people, in Amapá it configured, above all, through the magical vision of the regime opponent, seen as an unreal and fantastic creature capable of terrible and superhumans braveries. 4 - By the end, the demographic insignificance and the traditional and social culture, which they had the present and neighbouring relations like the structural element, avoided the anonymity and, for consequence, the resistance to the dictatorial power in the same way that had succeded into the big metropolises, based on rational principles, accomplished in party organisations, containing as a principal way of acting the armed struggle. The resistance in Amapá even if it had clear moments of confront and organisation was, basically, a molecular and blind resistance, disguised of art, vandalism, silence, denials and affirmations not always conscious, but not indicating agreement, from a struggle of individuais and groups to survive freely and autonomously in a oppressive castrated condition


ditadura e ditadores - amapa

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