O refinamento da competência discursiva através de processos de retextualizações de narrativas de um conto tradicional




This work intends to demonstrate how the experience of transformating a text into another (re-textualization) specially an oral text into a written text and viceversa carried out from the contact, use and analysis of three versions of a traditional story can produce linguistic refinements in newly literate students. Texts of five students of a public school as well as texts of five other students of a private school, both from Belo Horizonte, had been analysed in the Textual Linguistics perspective. The choice of this sampling has the purpose of demonstrating that metalanguage exercises produce refinement in the subjects, independently of the socio-economical class they belong to. The carried out analysis in this essay brings oral and written abilities up in a perspective of typological continuum, making clear that oral language refinements provide linguistic refinements in the written language and vice versa. The frequency of hesitation incidences in the oral retextualization which had been produced before and after the contact, use and analysis of the three story versions had been observed in the above-mentioned texts. The increase of the hesitation incidences in produced oral texts had been noticed, what shows that hesitations results of metalinguistic exercises happen with the function of filling out pauses, being a systemic phenomenon in the constituent organization. The increase of hesitations demonstrates that the subject produces oral speech using written speech as a link to the thematic progression. The narrative structure had also been analysed in the oral and written texts produced before and after the contact, use and analysis of the three story versions, with the objective of demonstrating the decrease of troubles in the structure of written and oral narratives realized after the experience of the analysis of the three traditional story versions. This observation corroborates the statement that retextualization experiences of traditional story narratives contribute for the students refinement of discursive proficiency.


análise do discurso narrativo teses. lingüística textual. lingüistica teses. produção de textos. comunicação escrita teses. competência comunicativa teses. comunicação oral teses.

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