O reconhecimento do direito de informaçao na negociaçao coletiva como decorrencia da aplicaçao do principio da boa-fé objetiva.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The recognition of the right to information as a result of applying the principle of objective good faith in collective bargaining is a necessary condition of fair dealing. In the post-legal positivism collective bargaining cant be viewed in isolation which means the radiation effects of the principle of objective good faith on the trading especially the recognition of the production of legal duties attached as is the case of information requirement which imposes a mutual obligation to the negotiating parties provide the information requested where relevant to the subject of collective bargaining. The main objective of this work is to show recognition of the right information in collective bargaining as a result of applying the principle of objective good faith. To achieve this goal we adopted the inductive method focusing predominantly on the literature and initially will be the delineation of the theoretical assumptions related to the collective perspective of autonomy and the principle of objective good faith to be constantly visited during the study. Then the reasoning will be demonstrated in order to recognize that the objective good faith focuses on collective bargaining including their duties attached if the right information. Finally the phenomenon will be assessed globally investigating their most important legal aspects and correlating them with the central perspective of the work.


direito collective bargaining direito de informação autonomia boa-fé negociação coletiva right to information autonomy good faith

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